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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Vitamin D Functions and Natural Sources - Need Behind this Vitamin

Our bodies can produce vitamin D when we are in contact with ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun. This is a fat soluble vitamin. We deal with Sun is the synthesis of vitamin D in the skin of great importance. However, we can get them from varieties of foods as well.

Vitamin D functions

In general, vitamin D has several variations. Some of them are active in nature, while others are not. For example, the most active calciferol variation> Vitamin D. Our livers and kidneys help in the conversion of vitamin D to its most important hormone diversity. If we use vitamin D from our diet or we produce in our skin needs vitamin D to be converted into 1, 25 dihydroxyvitamin D, which is the most active physiological range of vitamin D. The activated vitamin D functions like a hormones, by neural messages in the intestine to increase until the assimilation of phosphorus and Calcium.

Vitamin D functions to maintain a balance of calcium and phosphorus in the blood level. By promoting calcium absorption, vitamin D helps in the development and maintenance of bone strength. Vitamin D functions in addition to other helpful nutrients to improve bone mineralization. To establish and maintain strong bone structure, which is vitamin D a must-have nutrients. Without the presence of vitamin D, our bones thin and brittle. A lack of> Vitamin D can cause rickets in children and osteomalacia in adults. These are two types of bone disease in which the bones become weaker.

Long-term restricted feeding practices without adequate vitamin D can result in the development of re-emergence of rickets. A decline in outdoor activity and insufficient sunlight can cause in developing countries rickets in infants.

Vitamin D functions at the cellular level. It manages cell development andDifferentiation. It also helps in maintaining a healthy immune system.

Some scientific studies also suggest that potential vitamin D functions as a shield against the various forms of cancer, but more clinical studies are needed to determine the actual relevance.

Vitamin D functions as an integral supplement in the treatment of Alzheimer's patients. It is due to the fact that these patients lack outdoor activities, so that their natural level synthesis of vitamin Dcan get hindered too.

Natural sources of vitamin D

Fortified foods can be considered as one of the vitamin D as a natural source. During the 1930s, rickets was a medical complication in the U.S. and it turned out, like an epidemic. At that time a fortified milk program was implemented to fight against rickets. This implementation was a success and it almost eradicated this complication in the U.S.. Nearly 98-99% of milk with vitamin D supplements increased in the U.S..However, milk derivatives such as cheese and ice creams are not fortified as it is with milk. So these products contain only a small amount of vitamin D in it.

Our mother nature is generous in vitamin D natural source. There are wide varieties of natural foods that contain vitamin D in it. These are cod liver oil, salmon, mackerel, tuna fish, sardines, egg, beef liver, and many others. We can easily avail vitamin D from cheese and pudding prepared from fortified milk.

Sun exposure may be considered as the main natural source of vitamin D into account. It offers us a great deal amount of vitamin D, which we really need for our bodies. UV rays from the sun activates the synthesis of vitamin D in the skin area. The intensity of solar radiation, humidity, season, smog, clouds and latitude influence vitamin D synthesis in our body. We all need to be exposed ourselves to the sunlight, to benefit fromVitamin D synthesis.

Potential Health Risks

There is potential health risk associated with the excessive use of vitamin D supplements. The negative effects can anorexia, nausea, constipation, vomiting, weakness and weight loss. It can also provide up calcium in the blood cause a variety of psychological complications such as confusion, depression and anger.

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