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Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The Vitamin String Quartet - CrushCrushCrush

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Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Multivitamin Dangerous Side Effects

There is a first rule that we all should keep in mind, and that is that all drugs, whether, multivitamins or not, have side effects. However, the safety margin of vitamins and other medications through the severity or the number of side effects which is intended. Some vitamins, when you consider how anti-obesity drug overdose while others have numerous and / or severe side effects.

It is recommended that people should take emergency medical help, if any of these signs of notice Allergic reactions: hives, difficulty breathing, swelling of the face, lips, tongue or throat, urticaria, rash, itching, tenderness in the fingers, stomach, etc.

When are referred as, are not expected to multivitamins serious side effects, except when participating on the dosage, or if it is contraindicated. Less serious side effects include: stomach discomfort, headache, or bad taste in my mouth.

It will be impossible to mention all the side effects of each individual> Vitamin name but a few important and should be checked.

Vitamin C: Many people will not believe that vitamin C may be harmful. It goes without saying, but only if it is misused. Daily dose of vitamin C is between 600-800mg for up to 2 weeks. But, throwing many people, seasoned in a tablet or two now and love, and with the formulation now available, it is easily abused. There is ample evidence to show that excessive intake ofof vitamin C can lead to stone formation, renal failure, a condition leading to renal failure, if it can not be handled correctly.

Vitamin C may acidify our bodies excess fluid and lead to a metabolic acidosis, a condition that can lead to dehydration and can be harmful for the body.

Iron: There are no specific side effects a particular brand of multivitamin only in very few cases, connected as in the case of iron and copper. Excessive use of iron leads to iron intoxicity.This is also known as iron poisoning and is known as responsible for a situation of fibrotic liver hemochromatosis. Detailed conditions such as kidney, liver cirrhosis, cancer, etc. are late results of the vitamin abuse. Exaggerate the most metal nutrients usually leads to organ failure in the long run.

Potassium: It is contained in some multivitamin formulation and, if taken in excess, can cause hyperkalemia a condition that cause heart still could block innormal people.

Calcium: Calcium in every form of abuse is well documented to form) different types of stones such as gallstones or kidney stones, which could occur anywhere along the renal system be suitable (kidney, ureter and bladder. An early side effect of excess calcium can also be seen as a heart problem, constipation and abdominal pain. Thus, a multivitamin containing calcium should not be taken without a prescription from a doctor.

Side effects of the vitamins A, B, D andE are not known very well, but do not exist.

The interaction of certain vitamins taken with other drugs simultaneously could cause an otherwise harmless drugs that are dangerous. Multivitamin supplements such as calcium and iron are good for this either by increasing or decreasing the rate of absorption of the drug in the body known. This kind of interaction can have negative results. Due to the potential interaction, it is a good exercise to take vitamin and mineral contentcompleted a few hours after taking your prescription. A familiar example is the binding of calcium with tetracycline.

Vitamin K overdose is suspected of affecting the ability of some processes in the clotting of man. Although this is not very well established.

Overuse of magnesium is well known for the emergence of diarrhea. Zinc and other metals in large quantities are very dangerous for the body and its side effects can vary from tooth-staining,Polyuria () increased urination, stomach bleeding, arrhythmias) (uneven heart rate, confusion and weakness.

In general, the subject of side effects of multivitamins are not very popular, because most vitamins have high safety margin. Thus, the interest is mainly on the type of drug interaction that occurs. Many ingredients are multivitamins cofactors. For example, coenzyme Q10, and catalyzes certain chemical reactions in the body. Excessive intake may be an exaggeration of thischemical reactions.

It is not common cause of multivitamins to the sudden attack response. Some interactions may, as this result, it is therefore important that if you see something strange, as noted dizziness or twitching of the muscles after multivitamin use, search for quick medical attention.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

The Importance of Vitamin D

Versatility of Vitamin D

If you ever walked the hundreds of nutrition and searched through the vitamin section of your grocery store, you have various vitamin supplements to see. Vitamin D is probably one of the most popular vitamin supplements on the market today. One reason is that vitamin D provides us with many important and valuable benefits for a healthy life. Another reason is to take that most people are looking for a> Vitamin D supplement, instead is the natural form of the vitamin's because with the exception of milk, some of the food sources of vitamin D is difficult to cook.

Food source of vitamin D

There are many different food sources of vitamin D. Most of the food sources of vitamin D are found in fish oils, or live fish such as catfish, mackerel, salmon, tuna, sardines and eel. Although fish is a popular food for many people, some of whichThese sources have no food, we always in our kitchen on a regular basis. In addition, some of these fish are very expensive, when in a restaurant. Some other foods we consume daily are yogurt, margarine, milk, bread, oil spreads are fortified with vitamin D. Although not as high in vitamin D as the fish are consumed, many people decide they are regularly and still support take a vitamin D supplement.

Cod liver oil as aImportant vitamin D

Cod liver oil was sold in supermarkets for the year and is really popular question of how bad they taste for many people. For those who are looking for a natural supplement of vitamin D, cod liver oil is an excellent choice. A spoonful of cod liver oil will provide you with 1360 IU of vitamin D. Fortunately for many, it is a gel form of a pill for cod liver oil, the easier to swallow than a tablespoon of the liquid. IfYou think that you may be vitamin D deficiency, this pill is the easiest and best choice for you.

The point of the vitamin D

As with all vitamins, they all use their own purposes, for our bodies. The purpose of vitamin D is to promote the necessary ingredients, calcium in our body. Calcium is a necessity because it is what to strong bones. Although many people the feeling is growing that vitamin D and calcium is necessary if we are young, and that is the truththat we need it all our lives, especially as we get older. Elderly and postmenopausal women need supplements

Vitamin D when it is not enough in their daily diet. To do at this stage in her life, her body is not enough calcium on their own, the osteoporosis, a debilitating disease that can lead caused by weakened bone. It is important that this group of people, the right amount of vitamin D

Personal Medical Alarm Systems

Thursday, November 5, 2009

A List Of Vegetables & Their Benefits

Today, everyone knows that vegetables good for you and eat the right amount can significantly improve life expectancy.

Many people are aware of the fact that the consumption of five or more servings promotes different fruits and vegetables a day health awareness and reduces the risk for chronic diseases such as cancer, heart disease and diabetes.

A list of vegetables containing vitamin A

Vitamin A is important for healthy eyes, skin, and a strong immune system important System.

The vitamin A found in colorful vegetables, usually bright yellow, orange or green is as pro-vitamin, which then turned into vitamin A in the body.

Here is a list of vegetables, vitamin A is contained

AsparagusPotatoesPumpkinCarrotsPeasBroccoliCabbage It is unlikely you would have to take a supplement to top up your levels of vitamin A if you have a healthy and balanced diet. If you are still a need to feel> Vitamin pills, it is always best to seek medical advice before doing so.

List of vegetables containing vitamin C, vitamin C is essential for a healthy immune system, manage, high doses can also reduce the chances of a cold, contribute to suffer damage to inflamed joints in arthritis and even reduce many symptoms that asthmatics experience.

Good sources of vegetable with vitamin C are: CabbageSpinachPeppersBroccoliBrusselSproutsCauliflowerOnionsLettuceAsparagusCucumberThese vegetables are not only very easy to prepare and cook, but always available to buy in supermarkets and farm shops.

A list of vegetables containing Vitamin E Vitamin E is an important antioxidant, it helps to repair the cells and is often found in creams against aging.

Recent research has shown that this vitamin can delay or even prevent, cancer, heart disease and cataracts, the list of vegetables belowcan be small, but very useful.

SpinachBroccoliGreens Most vegetables contain this vitamin are green and leafy

To get the maximum benefit from the above list of vegetables, it is recommend you buy the food from organic farming and if they are still fresh.

It is a common misconception that eating raw vegetables better that than cooking them, This is not always the case and it really depends on what you want to get out of them. For example, cooking vegetables, such asCarrots may release certain substances that help us absorb the vitamins easy.

Overall, the most important thing is to remember the vegetables you eat vary. Try out a number of groups of foods to eat and make sure you eat a variety of different colored vegetables.

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Tuesday, November 3, 2009

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Medical Alert Systems Dekalb

Oral Absorption in Spray Vitamins

The medicine has greatly changed in a dramatic pace over the past fifty years. We can now take for supplements that improve our health, prevent against disease and against the consequences of aging. Since we have a better understanding of how the human body works, new drugs and methods have been devised to implement won. One of the most recent is the oral absorption, where the medicine directly through a spray administered into the back of the mouth or throat.

After several extensive studies in leadingUniversities and hospitals, many medical experts agreed that the oral intake of medicine and supplements far superior to spray caplet current methods. When given orally, tests show the MGH (Massachusetts General Hospital), vitamins and nutrients that reach higher concentrations in the blood faster than if they were on the pill or caplet. In fact, some supplements can start acting on your body, almost 30 minutes faster than when administered via caplet or pill.

Oral spray method is alsoincreases the effectiveness of the supplements. Normally the body uses only 10% of the nutrients in a caplet, or pill. As a supplier of absorption after oral administration, only 90% of the absorbed nutrients, the less strain on the liver and gastrointestinal tract represents, both of which are lost or not responsible for filtering out nutrients. Not only does it reduce the burden on the body, but it also reduces the burden on the wallet. Oral absorption sprays are cheaper because they do not need to contain almost as much oftarget ingredient to achieve saturation in your body.

Because sprays are instantaneously absorbed, they do not need complex delivery mechanisms, which further drives down cost, but also means that they contain no fillers, casings, or binding agents that are frequently found in caplets. That means the only ingredient you are ingesting is your supplement, nutrient, or medicine.

Oral absorption is safer, more convenient and more effective than normal delivery. Anyone from children to Adults, older people, they can without taking risks. Even people with gastrointestinal disorders, which often can with the body's ability to interfere with its nutrients to take an oral spray and ensure you get the drugs or nutrients they need. Best of all, can sprays discreetly taken anytime and anywhere. They can be easily carried in a purse or bag and you do not need water.

Medical Alert Systems Dekalb

Monday, November 2, 2009

Vitamin B12 Benefits

Vitamin B12 has a long history and a solid reputation as an energy booster, and it is one of the most important of all the B vitamins. Vitamin B12 deficiency can result negative in hematological, neurological and gastrointestinal disorders. Gastrointestinal side effects of vitamin B12 deficiency can diarrhea, constipation, abdominal pain, excessive flatulence, and a burning sensation on the tongue. B12, a member of the vitamin B family, also is aTerm used is known in common to a group of cobalt compounds as Corrinoids. The principal cobalamins are cyanocobalamin, hydroxocobalamin and the two coenzyme forms of vitamin B12, methylcobalamin and 5-deoxyadenosylcobalamin (adenosylcobalamin). However, the term vitamin B12 is generally used for only one of these forms, cyanocobalamin, is used to provide food and dietary supplements. Enhance vitamin B12 is a water soluble vitamin foundfor normal cell activity, DNA replication is required, and influence the synthesis of the mood of substance SAMe. B12, including cobalamin, works with folate to produce healthy red blood cells. Vitamin B12 also keeps your central nervous system healthy.

Vitamin B12 helps maintain the myelin sheaths that insulated nerve fibers from each other. B12 deficiency can lead to a type of anemia due to fewer but larger red blood cells, called pernicious markedAnemia. It can also cause walking and balance disorders, sore tongue, weakness, confusion, and in advanced cases, dementia. Vegetarians who eliminate all animal sources from their diet (also known as vegans) may by a vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 is bound to benefit to the protein in food. Hydrochloric acid in the stomach releases B12 from proteins in foods during digestion. Hydroxocobalamin is a man-made form of vitamin B12. B12 majorFunctions in the formation of red blood cells and the maintenance of a healthy nervous system. Prolonged B12 deficiency can lead to nerve degeneration and irreversible neurological damage. People with vitamin B12 deficiency show irregular destruction of the myelin sheaths, which eventually causes paralysis and death. Vitamin B12 levels with increasing age and various measures of cognitive impairment with reduced B12 status. Occurring vitamin B12 deficiencyif not the body to properly use the vitamin.

Benefits Vitamin B12 Tips

1st vitamin B12 are important for the health of the nervous system and a process that approves homocysteine from the blood.

2nd Vitamin B12 is naturally found in food sources (especially animal products) in protein-bound form.

3rd vitamin B12 deficiency may be a factor in a variety of different health conditions and disorders.

4th B12may help restrain pre-cancerous lung disease in smokers.

5. Patients with Alzheimer's disease show low vitamin B12.

6.3 Vitamin B 12 and folic acid are required for the synthesis of S-adenosylmethionine, a methyl group donor important for the metabolism of neurotransmitters.

7th vitamin B12 deficiency may be a factor in a variety of different health conditions and disorders.

8th vitamin B12 has been suggested to protect againstHypersensitivity to sulfites.

OXYGEN [O2]-H2O-life

Sunday, November 1, 2009

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Saturday, October 31, 2009

Vitamin B Functions - Sources and Deficiencies

Vitamin B refers to a group of 8 vitamins. They are vitamin B1 (thiamin), vitamin B2 (riboflavin), vitamin B3 (niacin), vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid), vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), vitamin B7 (biotin), vitamin B8 (myo-inositol), vitamin B9 (folic acid ) and vitamin B12 (cobalamin). Vitamin B plays an important role in cellular metabolism. The first phase, scientists consider it is an individual> Vitamin similar to what we call vitamin A or vitamin C. However later in the period shown, several scientific studies have shown that they cluster of chemically distinctive vitamins that are in certain foods can coexist. Supplementation with all of the eight vitamins as vitamin B complex. On the other hand, dietary supplements, is made of individual vitamin B component refers to specific names.

Vitamin B functions

Vitamin B functions effectively for the provision of a wide range of health benefits. It maintains evaluate and improve the metabolism. It also helps to maintain healthy skin and offers flexibility in the muscle tone. Vitamin B functions in the management of a healthy immune system, and it also offers a healthy and happy functioning nervous system. Vitamin B affects cell division and cell metabolism. It also affects the production of red blood cells. A lack of> Vitamin B can cause anemia. Vitamin B complex is essential for the fight against various symptoms of stress, anxiety, depression and cardiovascular disease.

All B vitamins are water soluble, however, a six years of vitamin B12 has been storage in the liver to see, regardless of their nature, water soluble.

Vitamin B sources

The supply of vitamin B is rich in nature. In no time you can do it in your diet list. The natural sourcescan also use potatoes, chillies, bananas, liver oil, tuna, lentils, tempeh, Turkey and the liver. Nutritional yeast, molasses, and known sources of vitamin B.

Vitamin B deficiency

Inadequate supply of sufficient B-vitamins can lead to vitamin B deficiency. This can lead to various kinds of health complications. The lack of thiamine or vitamin B1 can cause beriberi. Typical symptoms include weakness, disorders of the nervous system,significant weight loss, irregular heartbeat, and edema. Vitamin B deficiencies may also cause ariboflavinosis. Poor supply of vitamin B2 in the diet can lead to this complication. The common symptoms may include hypersensitivity to sunlight, edema, hyperemia and oral mucosa cheilosis. Pellagra has occurred any other health complications as a result of vitamin B deficiency.

Niacin plays an important role. The lack of niacin in regular diet can ensure the possibility ofHealth of this complication. Common symptoms can also cause aggression, dermatitis, confusion, insomnia, and diarrhea. In severe cases, pellagra may also ESRD.

Although not as common in everyday practice, but a lack of pantothenic acid, vitamin B can cause deficiency. It can cause acne and paresthesia. A deficiency of pyridoxine supply may lead to a whole range of health complications. All these complications are known health complications of vitamin BDeficiencies. The most common complications are depression, mood disorders, hypertension, anemia, fluid retention, and increased homocysteine. Inadequate supply of biotin is vitamin B deficiency, so that mainly concern children. It can lead to developmental disorders and neurological disease in children. Folic acid deficiency can lead to an increased level of homocysteine, which can cause birth defects during pregnancy. Deficiency of vitamin B12 can lead tomegaloblastic anemia, memory loss and cognitive skills.

Several studies are going on in the support of the potential health benefits of vitamin B supplements available. Studies show that folic acid can be found beneficial in the prevention and control of birth defects in the colon cancer. In addition, documented that it can reduce high levels of folic acid in combination with other vitamin supplements actually the risk of breast cancer. In general, clinical trials, the need was stressedon the combination of folic acid and vitamin B6 that triggered in minimizing the potential breast cancer risk factors are helpful. It is naturally in green leafy vegetables like spinach, broccoli and asparagus.

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Friday, October 30, 2009

Naturally Lower High Blood Pressure-HBP With Vitamin B

Hold significance of the various vitamins and minerals to adequate health condition is known and the recommended daily allowance of them is the only discussion about. B vitamin group, actually eight B vitamins and a few other related substances, is essential for the body meet a variety of functions. Vitamin B Complex is a supplement to ensure required B vitamin consumption.

The eight vitamins that make the vitamin B complexare:

* Vitamin B1 (thiamine)

* Vitamin B2 (riboflavin)

* Vitamin B3 (Niacin)

* Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine)

* Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin)

Folic acid *

* Pantothenic

* Biotin.

The other related substances which are also included in the B-complex are:

* Choline

* Inositol

* Para-amino benzoic acid

Each of vitamins conducts its own individual function in the bodyand collaborate, as the vitamin B complex, they provide essential maintenance for a healthy body. The B-vitamin complex, with water-soluble B vitamin content is important to get enough of these vitamins on a daily basis. Vitamin B solubility in water allows the storage of B-vitamins in the body and leads to a dependence on a regular daily dose.

Since the B-vitamins are very beneficial for the health of the human body, in certainConditions include additional amounts of vitamin B complex may be required. The recommended daily dose of vitamins B-complex varies by age and sex of a person. The results of recent studies clearly show that the increase in the inclusion of the vitamin B complex may help to overcome certain illnesses.

It turned out that vitamin B complex, it is emotional, people with anxiety and stress. It helps to relax and relieve the symptomsthe stress. During the recovery process, additional vitamin B complex may be very valuable.

Sometimes a symptom of fatigue may exaggerate a variety of diseases and not just simple things. In such cases, the vitamin B complex can effectively alleviate general tiredness and lethargy.

Vitamin B complex, is for some skin diseases such as dermatitis and helpful, and may be in such a state an additional B-complex vitamin intake is also beneficial. ANumber of skin creams and are supplemented by additional content of the vitamin B complex, which are absorbed by the skin in order to alleviate the condition enriched. The hair condition can also significantly improve with sufficient B complex vitamin intake.

Learn about how vitamin B may help to show high blood pressure in the report by Samuel A. Baron "Natural Treatment of Hypertension" on

Medical Alert Service

Thursday, October 29, 2009

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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Vitamin D Functions and Natural Sources - Need Behind this Vitamin

Our bodies can produce vitamin D when we are in contact with ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun. This is a fat soluble vitamin. We deal with Sun is the synthesis of vitamin D in the skin of great importance. However, we can get them from varieties of foods as well.

Vitamin D functions

In general, vitamin D has several variations. Some of them are active in nature, while others are not. For example, the most active calciferol variation> Vitamin D. Our livers and kidneys help in the conversion of vitamin D to its most important hormone diversity. If we use vitamin D from our diet or we produce in our skin needs vitamin D to be converted into 1, 25 dihydroxyvitamin D, which is the most active physiological range of vitamin D. The activated vitamin D functions like a hormones, by neural messages in the intestine to increase until the assimilation of phosphorus and Calcium.

Vitamin D functions to maintain a balance of calcium and phosphorus in the blood level. By promoting calcium absorption, vitamin D helps in the development and maintenance of bone strength. Vitamin D functions in addition to other helpful nutrients to improve bone mineralization. To establish and maintain strong bone structure, which is vitamin D a must-have nutrients. Without the presence of vitamin D, our bones thin and brittle. A lack of> Vitamin D can cause rickets in children and osteomalacia in adults. These are two types of bone disease in which the bones become weaker.

Long-term restricted feeding practices without adequate vitamin D can result in the development of re-emergence of rickets. A decline in outdoor activity and insufficient sunlight can cause in developing countries rickets in infants.

Vitamin D functions at the cellular level. It manages cell development andDifferentiation. It also helps in maintaining a healthy immune system.

Some scientific studies also suggest that potential vitamin D functions as a shield against the various forms of cancer, but more clinical studies are needed to determine the actual relevance.

Vitamin D functions as an integral supplement in the treatment of Alzheimer's patients. It is due to the fact that these patients lack outdoor activities, so that their natural level synthesis of vitamin Dcan get hindered too.

Natural sources of vitamin D

Fortified foods can be considered as one of the vitamin D as a natural source. During the 1930s, rickets was a medical complication in the U.S. and it turned out, like an epidemic. At that time a fortified milk program was implemented to fight against rickets. This implementation was a success and it almost eradicated this complication in the U.S.. Nearly 98-99% of milk with vitamin D supplements increased in the U.S..However, milk derivatives such as cheese and ice creams are not fortified as it is with milk. So these products contain only a small amount of vitamin D in it.

Our mother nature is generous in vitamin D natural source. There are wide varieties of natural foods that contain vitamin D in it. These are cod liver oil, salmon, mackerel, tuna fish, sardines, egg, beef liver, and many others. We can easily avail vitamin D from cheese and pudding prepared from fortified milk.

Sun exposure may be considered as the main natural source of vitamin D into account. It offers us a great deal amount of vitamin D, which we really need for our bodies. UV rays from the sun activates the synthesis of vitamin D in the skin area. The intensity of solar radiation, humidity, season, smog, clouds and latitude influence vitamin D synthesis in our body. We all need to be exposed ourselves to the sunlight, to benefit fromVitamin D synthesis.

Potential Health Risks

There is potential health risk associated with the excessive use of vitamin D supplements. The negative effects can anorexia, nausea, constipation, vomiting, weakness and weight loss. It can also provide up calcium in the blood cause a variety of psychological complications such as confusion, depression and anger.

OXYGEN [O2]-H2O-life acne treatment Medical Alert Systems Dekalb

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Dangerous Multivitamin Side Effects

There is a first rule that we all should keep in mind, and that is that all drugs, whether, multivitamins or not, have side effects. However, the safety margin of vitamins and other medications through the severity or the number of side effects which is intended. Some vitamins, when you consider how anti-obesity drug overdose while others have numerous and / or severe side effects.

It is recommended that people should take emergency medical help, if any of these signs of notice Allergic reactions: hives, difficulty breathing, swelling of the face, lips, tongue or throat, urticaria, rash, itching, tenderness in the fingers, stomach, etc.

When are referred as, are not expected to multivitamins serious side effects, except when participating on the dosage, or if it is contraindicated. Less serious side effects include: stomach discomfort, headache, or bad taste in my mouth.

It will be impossible to mention all the side effects of each individual> Vitamin name but a few important and should be checked.

Vitamin C: Many people will not believe that vitamin C may be harmful. It goes without saying, but only if it is misused. Daily dose of vitamin C is between 600-800mg for up to 2 weeks. But, throwing many people, seasoned in a tablet or two now and love, and with the formulation now available, it is easily abused. There is ample evidence to show that excessive intake ofof vitamin C can lead to stone formation, renal failure, a condition leading to renal failure, if it can not be handled correctly.

Vitamin C may acidify our bodies excess fluid and lead to a metabolic acidosis, a condition that can lead to dehydration and can be harmful for the body.

Iron: There are no specific side effects a particular brand of multivitamin only in very few cases, connected as in the case of iron and copper. Excessive use of iron leads to iron intoxicity.This is also known as iron poisoning and is known as responsible for a situation of fibrotic liver hemochromatosis. Detailed conditions such as kidney, liver cirrhosis, cancer, etc. are late results of the vitamin abuse. Exaggerate the most metal nutrients usually leads to organ failure in the long run.

Potassium: It is contained in some multivitamin formulation and, if taken in excess, can cause hyperkalemia a condition that cause heart still could block innormal people.

Calcium: Calcium in every form of abuse is well documented to form) different types of stones such as gallstones or kidney stones, which could occur anywhere along the renal system be suitable (kidney, ureter and bladder. An early side effect of excess calcium can also be seen as a heart problem, constipation and abdominal pain. Thus, a multivitamin containing calcium should not be taken without a prescription from a doctor.

Side effects of the vitamins A, B, D andE are not known very well, but do not exist.

The interaction of certain vitamins taken with other drugs simultaneously could cause an otherwise harmless drugs that are dangerous. Multivitamin supplements such as calcium and iron are good for this either by increasing or decreasing the rate of absorption of the drug in the body known. This kind of interaction can have negative results. Due to the potential interaction, it is a good exercise to take vitamin and mineral contentcompleted a few hours after taking your prescription. A familiar example is the binding of calcium with tetracycline.

Vitamin K overdose is suspected of affecting the ability of some processes in the clotting of man. Although this is not very well established.

Overuse of magnesium is well known for the emergence of diarrhea. Zinc and other metals in large quantities are very dangerous for the body and its side effects can vary from tooth-staining,Polyuria () increased urination, stomach bleeding, arrhythmias) (uneven heart rate, confusion and weakness.

In general, the subject of side effects of multivitamins are not very popular, because most vitamins have high safety margin. Thus, the interest is mainly on the type of drug interaction that occurs. Many ingredients are multivitamins cofactors. For example, coenzyme Q10, and catalyzes certain chemical reactions in the body. Excessive intake may be an exaggeration of thischemical reactions.

It is not common cause of multivitamins to the sudden attack response. Some interactions may, as this result, it is therefore important that if you see something strange, as noted dizziness or twitching of the muscles after multivitamin use, search for quick medical attention.

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Friday, October 23, 2009

My "Capsule" Make Up - Holiday Make Up Must Haves

My capsule make up! Skincare: Dermalogica PreCleanse The Body Shop Vitamin E Face Mist by Holland and Barrett Aloe Vera Gel Clinique Face Cream SPF 30 The Body Shop Vitamin E Facial Oil The Body Shop Vitamin C Intensive Treatment Night Black and Pink Make Up Bag Make Up from http: eleven tone correcting concealer in the medium of Bobbi Brown Pot Rouge for lips and cheeks in # 4 Velvet Plum SukiColor lips and cheeks in outrageous coloring Cream Dahlia ...

Medical Alert Service Personal Medical Alarm Systems acne treatment

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Vitamin B12 Deficiency - What You Don't Know CAN Hurt You!

Be done in today's society fast one of the hardest things that went out to eat a diet that includes all the nutrients our body needed. So much of what we eat is grown in soil nutrients are exhausted or it is highly processed. As a result, many of our foods contain very few vitamins and minerals. When it comes to diet as best we can and we hope to emerge a multi-vitamin will provide for what is lacking in our diets. Unfortunately, despite our efforts, we still often end upreally missing the mark within the meaning of everything that our body needs. As a result, over time, we may end up very poor in terms of essential vitamins and minerals.

A common is vitamin B12 deficiency. At least four out of 10 Americans have a B12 deficiency at the clinical level. To take millions of people, just enough to get this vital nutrients to pass through. A vitamin B12 deficiency occurs at a much more common than most people think. ManyPeople suffer from vitamin B12 deficiency symptoms every day and have no idea. The symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency can range from mild to very severe. If B12 deficiency is in decades, the long-term results can be irreversible and even fatal.

What are the symptoms of a vitamin B12 deficiency?

It is really important, symptoms that deliberately by a vitamin B12 deficiency will be created sooner than later. SinceThe effects can cumulatively, it's just chalk it up to aging, if they are only mild to moderate. There are a lot of vitamin B12 deficiency symptoms, but some of the most common are thinking include fatigue, difficulty, clearly, bleeding gums, moodiness can nervousness, dizziness and constipation. Serious long term symptoms of heart disease, stroke and dementia, like Alzheimer's disease include. Let's take a look at some of these symptoms of vitamin B12Lack.

Fatigue can be a vitamin B12 deficiency because this vitamin plays an important role in the production are caused by red blood cells. These blood cells help carry oxygen through the body properly. This is not only oxygen, which causes energy, a small number of red blood cells anemia. If you are anemic, you feel lethargic and weak. A B-12 deficiency may also contribute to the feeling of fatigue, because this vitamin helps us metabolizeour food is sufficient. Proper metabolism of the food that we eat helps to break carbohydrates into glucose. Glucose gives you the power when it released in your system.

Another of the vitamin B-12 deficiency symptoms of mood irregularities. Mood swings, nervousness, depressed mood and can at low levels of these nutrients are often ignored. Vitamin B12 helps your brain produce serotonin related, which is a brain chemical that helps us feel good. B12 also helps tothe production of melatonin, which helps regulate our sleep. In addition, the vitamin helps in the proper maintenance of our nervous system, which overall is important for good mental health.

Atherosclerosis and heart disease are two very serious B12 deficiency. Our bodies naturally contain an amino acid called homocysteine (HCY), be toxic, if the amount is too high. Vitamin B12 helps to keep the levels of HCY in check. Toxic levels can be verydestructive. This is because HCY harmful effects on the very cells that make our arteries and veins. The damage can lead to heart attack and stroke.

A B-12 deficiency can have serious, long-term consequences

Many people complain of symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency, that they have trouble thinking clearly or remember things. Since these two symptoms often mistaken "are more the result," they are sometimes ignored and allowed toProgress. Unfortunately, they can include a precursor of dementia, Alzheimer's disease. Dementia is a gradual decline in cognitive abilities. Memory loss, confusion, always easily lost, and paranoia are all symptoms of dementia. Unfortunately, there is no cure known at this stage of dementia.

Even if they do not all symptoms of a vitamin B12 deficiency, hopefully they will recognize how important this nutrient is for your health. These symptomsable through a variety of causes, but it is still be important to ensure that you always have enough B12 every day. It is virtually impossible to get too much B12, because it considers non-toxic. Taking a quality B12 in addition to a healthy diet is one of the best ways to prevent a severe B12 deficiency.

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Wednesday, October 21, 2009

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Monday, October 19, 2009

Vitamin C Overdose

Recommended with vitamin C products across borders can cause stomach pains and diarrhea. Even if the body would be just about as much as it needs the vitamin, vitamin C overdose can prevent metabolic activity in the body.

The recommended dietary allowance (RDA) for vitamin C in non-smoking adults is 75 mg per day for women and 90 mg per day for men. For smokers, the RDAs are 110 mg per day for women and 125 mg per day for men. A dose of 200Milligrams daily is almost enough to maximize plasma and lymphocytes.

A higher level of vitamin C are needed when under environmental stress such as trauma, fever or infection. Fully saturated with daily doses of 200-500 mg is reached a day (in 2-3 divided doses). This is a water-soluble protein, and nothing more excreted from the body. Vitamin C Overdose can cause diarrhea, gas or stomach discomfort. Other side effects may abdominal cramps, nausea andDiarrhea and an increased risk of kidney stones. Large amounts of vitamin C reduce the levels of copper, an essential nutrient. People with iron overload diseases must avoid Vitamin C Overdose, because it increases iron absorption. Special medical advice must be from people who have kidney stones. If a pregnant mother can take 6000 mg of vitamin C, the baby develop rebound scurvy by a sudden drop in daily intake. Hemochromatosis patients should nottake vitamin C with an improvement in the accumulation of non-heme iron in the presence of this vitamin.

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Sunday, October 18, 2009

Vitamin B12 Deficiency - What You Don't Know CAN Hurt You!

Be done in today's society fast one of the hardest things that went out to eat a diet that includes all the nutrients our body needed. So much of what we eat is grown in soil nutrients are exhausted or it is highly processed. As a result, many of our foods contain very few vitamins and minerals. When it comes to diet as best we can and we hope to emerge a multi-vitamin will provide for what is lacking in our diets. Unfortunately, despite our efforts, we still often end upreally missing the mark within the meaning of everything that our body needs. As a result, over time, we may end up very poor in terms of essential vitamins and minerals.

A common is vitamin B12 deficiency. At least four out of 10 Americans have a B12 deficiency at the clinical level. To take millions of people, just enough to get this vital nutrients to pass through. A vitamin B12 deficiency occurs at a much more common than most people think. ManyPeople suffer from vitamin B12 deficiency symptoms every day and have no idea. The symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency can range from mild to very severe. If B12 deficiency is in decades, the long-term results can be irreversible and even fatal.

What are the symptoms of a vitamin B12 deficiency?

It is really important, symptoms that deliberately by a vitamin B12 deficiency will be created sooner than later. SinceThe effects can cumulatively, it's just chalk it up to aging, if they are only mild to moderate. There are a lot of vitamin B12 deficiency symptoms, but some of the most common are thinking include fatigue, difficulty, clearly, bleeding gums, moodiness can nervousness, dizziness and constipation. Serious long term symptoms of heart disease, stroke and dementia, like Alzheimer's disease include. Let's take a look at some of these symptoms of vitamin B12Lack.

Fatigue can be a vitamin B12 deficiency because this vitamin plays an important role in the production are caused by red blood cells. These blood cells help carry oxygen through the body properly. This is not only oxygen, which causes energy, a small number of red blood cells anemia. If you are anemic, you feel lethargic and weak. A B-12 deficiency may also contribute to the feeling of fatigue, because this vitamin helps us metabolizeour food is sufficient. Proper metabolism of the food that we eat helps to break carbohydrates into glucose. Glucose gives you the power when it released in your system.

Another of the vitamin B-12 deficiency symptoms of mood irregularities. Mood swings, nervousness, depressed mood and can at low levels of these nutrients are often ignored. Vitamin B12 helps your brain produce serotonin related, which is a brain chemical that helps us feel good. B12 also helps tothe production of melatonin, which helps regulate our sleep. In addition, the vitamin helps in the proper maintenance of our nervous system, which overall is important for good mental health.

Atherosclerosis and heart disease are two very serious B12 deficiency. Our bodies naturally contain an amino acid called homocysteine (HCY), be toxic, if the amount is too high. Vitamin B12 helps to keep the levels of HCY in check. Toxic levels can be verydestructive. This is because HCY harmful effects on the very cells that make our arteries and veins. The damage can lead to heart attack and stroke.

A B-12 deficiency can have serious, long-term consequences

Many people complain of symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency, that they have trouble thinking clearly or remember things. Since these two symptoms often mistaken "are more the result," they are sometimes ignored and allowed toProgress. Unfortunately, they can include a precursor of dementia, Alzheimer's disease. Dementia is a gradual decline in cognitive abilities. Memory loss, confusion, always easily lost, and paranoia are all symptoms of dementia. Unfortunately, there is no cure known at this stage of dementia.

Even if they do not all symptoms of a vitamin B12 deficiency, hopefully they will recognize how important this nutrient is for your health. These symptomsable through a variety of causes, but it is still be important to ensure that you always have enough B12 every day. It is virtually impossible to get too much B12, because it considers non-toxic. Taking a quality B12 in addition to a healthy diet is one of the best ways to prevent a severe B12 deficiency.

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Vitamin B Rich Foods

The theme of vitamin B can be very confusing because there are so many of them. Most of them tend to do the same work within the boundaries of the body, although there are some subtle differences between each one.

How many take vitamins of the stomach or intestine, what he needs, and vitamin B is a vitamin that is easily absorbed into the system of the body.

To digest In most cases, if you will, too much vitamin B, the excess generally simplewashed out in urine, but in rare cases it can lead to problems. Things like headaches and a general feeling of weakness are common, which also cause nausea and diarrhea.

To the right of vitamin B-rich foods I suggest you look more grown organic food, and this is especially true for vegans or vegetarians. For meat eaters and for people who are dairy products there are usually enough to consume vitamin B will receive a staple.

It has been muchAdvertising on vegans and vegetarians in particular with regard to B12, or the lack thereof, vitamin, which can cause several problems in the way anemia. But this right was the most vitamin producers, which is now a vitamin B compound, which is a good mix for a healthy diet provides. Keep going with the topic of vegans and vegetarians, if they are rich in Vitamin B-rich foods on the market are looking for, and it is a simple caseIf you are finding your homework, the right ones.

The main function of vitamin B-rich foods is a breakdown of the carbohydrates we eat into sugar glucose. This part is usually attributed to vitamin B1, or know how most of us, like thiamine required for the proper functioning of the nervous system. Vitamin B1 is found in a variety of foods such as meat, egg yolks are used, fresh fruit and vegetables . The only people who should be brought into trouble with the lack of vitamin B1 peoplehave more than their share of alcohol.

Vitamin B2 or riboflavin is as is also known for the degradation of carbohydrates, fats and proteins, and it is responsible for the care healthy skin, and the various mucous membranes in the body.

Vitamin B3 or Niacin is also important for healthy under the skin, found in most protein-rich foods such as meat, potatoes and peanuts, to name a few.

Vitamin B6 is like all other vitamins,although it does not have the task of maintaining the production of red blood cells, which are necessary for a healthy life, to ward off any problems that may occur in the body.

Finally we come to vitamin B12, vitamin B6 is as important for the production of red blood cells, which are the bodies natural defense mechanism to fight off the disease.

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Thursday, October 15, 2009

Vitamins For Acne Treatment

One of the simplest way to treat acne is through a diet of vitamin.

It does not matter whether you are an adult or child, we all suffer from acne, from time to time. There are so many over the counter medicines for the treatment of acne today. But the best is still the natural method.

How annoying when starting the pimples show up whenever you visit a party. Well, your diet right and the best vitamins are found in fruits and vegetables.

Get thea good supply of vitamins A, C, E and zinc, which are found in fresh vegetables. Lots of green, fresh parsley, all citrus fruits and red, orange or yellow vegetables. Avocados are rich in vitamin E and high taste great when mixed with milk. As for those who can not taste like the green, always add a little honey or lemon to facilitate, for the tongue. And you try to make a salad part of your meal. Sprinkle it with some olive oil and you have yourself a very nutritious meal. Well, aFruit smoothie is a great breakfast - it is both filling and they are also good for the skin.

Teens especially need more vitamins than the adults when it comes to acne treatment. But ask your doctor if you take vitamins. And keep in mind that caffeine washes all these vitamins, especially vitamin C from the body before they can be included. To cut to the caffeine if you plan to attend so that your body the vitamins.

Dodo not wait, go grab some organic fruits and now cook a green meal. In no time you will be gone your acne, and leaves a smooth and shiny skin.

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Monday, October 12, 2009

Vitamin For Energy

The lack of energy and a feeling of fatigue is an age-old complaint. Vitamins strengthen the energy levels of the human body. Vitamin B is known as the "energy vitamin" and is an energetic and long life of crucial importance. Although vitamin B in a variety of natural foods occurs, the typical American diet of vitamin B. Vitamin B complex are poorly rinsed easily from the body. Alcoholics and people on weight loss diets are more prone to vitamin B deficiency.

The B-complex> Vitamins are a group of eight vitamins, thiamin (B1) include, riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3), pyridoxine (B6), folic acid (B9), cyanocobalamin (B12), pantothenic acid and biotin. Each vitamin plays an important role in energy production. Deficiencies in general, more than one type of B vitamin. To increase energy, a supplement of B complex must be taken with a single B vitamin.

The B1-Thiamin vitamin plays an important role in the metabolism ofFood and alcoholic beverages. It improves the function of the adrenal gland and boosts immunity. Low B2-riboflavin in fatigue, blindness and anemia. Riboflavin is necessary for the production of energy. Physicians prescribe riboflavin for migraine and arthritis pain.

The vitamin B3-Niacin helps the body produce energy. Niacin is used for the treatment of neurological diseases and high cholesterol. In combination with vitamin C, niacin lowers the production of lipoproteins, a major Risk factor for heart patients.

B5-pantothenic acid is one of the most important energy boosters. It is also known as the "Anti-Stress-called" vitamin.

Vitamin B12 also helps combat fatigue. It is an essential nutrient for the formation of red blood cells. Red blood cells, which are in turn connected to our energy.

The B vitamins work together to continue the energy levels high. They can help to prevent diseases, since they capable of repairing of nucleic acids and immune cells are. These> Vitamins are the foundation of good health and nutrition.

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Sunday, October 11, 2009

Vitamins To Clear Skin

Acne can sometimes be improved with a regimen of vitamins and vitamin supplements. Vitamins, clear skin are readily available and inexpensive.

Remove vitamins for the skin problems can be found in pharmacies or on the Internet. You will also find vitamins, clear skin and acne problems at health or vitamin stores.

Some vitamins, clear skin, vitamin A and vitamin B complex. These vitamins help clear skin, get healthySkin.

Vitamin B5 is a different vitamins, clear skin. This vitamin plus a cream containing 20% pantothenic acid by weight should be applied four to six times per day.

Vitamins, clear skin, vitamin B6 and vitamin C. Vitamin B6 is included improved with hormonal balance, and vitamin C help the immune system and promotes healing.

Other vitamins, clear skin, vitamin E and zinc. Zinc is a mineral that promotes healthy skin andHealing. Vitamin E is one of the vitamins, clear skin, which is necessary for the health of the skin.

If you are taking vitamin E as one of the vitamins, clear skin, you should also check by 200-400 mcg. of selenium per day. This will help the vitamin E become more effective.

If you thinking about trying vitamins, clear skin, you may want to ask your doctor what she recommends. Your dermatologist may also some ideas on vitaminsclear skin.

Vitamins, clear skin can really help improve acne. Here you will find the best combinations of vitamins, clear skin and you can see results in one or two months.

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Friday, October 9, 2009

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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

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Prenatal Vitamins

The essence of womanhood lies in the birth of a child. The birth is the most wonderful experience a woman can have, but could be risky to take the lack of adequate precautions. To minimize the risk of malformations, which are essential prenatal vitamins recommended for women by the doctors. Prenatal vitamins than for women before pregnancy propagated. Any use of these tablets diet during pregnancy and breastfeeding is advisable toprevent or reduce the chances of nutritional deficiencies. prenatal vitamins are recommended, as a pregnant woman must take care of themselves and the child within her. However, women have the kind of prenatal vitamins, they shall be sure. She herself needs essential vitamins in sufficient quantities, while babies need more folic acid and calcium.

Prenatal vitamins have to be used more as a supplement to the diet, because onlyTaking prenatal vitamins is not adequate for pregnancy. Prenatal vitamins should not be used as a substitute for food. In fact, such vitamins are more effective when they are taken with a healthy diet that contains a variety of foods. This may be due to the fact that prenatal vitamins themselves are known to be attributed to lack some crucial matters such as calcium. In an average prenatal vitamin, the amount of calciumis available at only 250 mg, so a pregnant woman who needs to grow an average 1200 to 1500 mg of calcium for herself and her baby, can not solely rely on prenatal vitamins. An important point to consider in the prenatal vitamins is to know everything about the ingredients of vitamins and how well they are absorbed into the body. It is advisable that you are using prenatal vitamins, less than 10,000 IU, because excessive use of vitaminssuch as vitamin A can cause birth defects. Too much iron is not absorbed properly in pregnancy leads to some shortcomings.

Prenatal vitamins to ward off any risks associated with ensuring the pregnancy and the health of a newborn essential. However, it can only be effective if properly used with adequate nutrition.

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