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Monday, October 12, 2009

Vitamin For Energy

The lack of energy and a feeling of fatigue is an age-old complaint. Vitamins strengthen the energy levels of the human body. Vitamin B is known as the "energy vitamin" and is an energetic and long life of crucial importance. Although vitamin B in a variety of natural foods occurs, the typical American diet of vitamin B. Vitamin B complex are poorly rinsed easily from the body. Alcoholics and people on weight loss diets are more prone to vitamin B deficiency.

The B-complex> Vitamins are a group of eight vitamins, thiamin (B1) include, riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3), pyridoxine (B6), folic acid (B9), cyanocobalamin (B12), pantothenic acid and biotin. Each vitamin plays an important role in energy production. Deficiencies in general, more than one type of B vitamin. To increase energy, a supplement of B complex must be taken with a single B vitamin.

The B1-Thiamin vitamin plays an important role in the metabolism ofFood and alcoholic beverages. It improves the function of the adrenal gland and boosts immunity. Low B2-riboflavin in fatigue, blindness and anemia. Riboflavin is necessary for the production of energy. Physicians prescribe riboflavin for migraine and arthritis pain.

The vitamin B3-Niacin helps the body produce energy. Niacin is used for the treatment of neurological diseases and high cholesterol. In combination with vitamin C, niacin lowers the production of lipoproteins, a major Risk factor for heart patients.

B5-pantothenic acid is one of the most important energy boosters. It is also known as the "Anti-Stress-called" vitamin.

Vitamin B12 also helps combat fatigue. It is an essential nutrient for the formation of red blood cells. Red blood cells, which are in turn connected to our energy.

The B vitamins work together to continue the energy levels high. They can help to prevent diseases, since they capable of repairing of nucleic acids and immune cells are. These> Vitamins are the foundation of good health and nutrition.

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