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Sunday, October 18, 2009

Vitamin B12 Deficiency - What You Don't Know CAN Hurt You!

Be done in today's society fast one of the hardest things that went out to eat a diet that includes all the nutrients our body needed. So much of what we eat is grown in soil nutrients are exhausted or it is highly processed. As a result, many of our foods contain very few vitamins and minerals. When it comes to diet as best we can and we hope to emerge a multi-vitamin will provide for what is lacking in our diets. Unfortunately, despite our efforts, we still often end upreally missing the mark within the meaning of everything that our body needs. As a result, over time, we may end up very poor in terms of essential vitamins and minerals.

A common is vitamin B12 deficiency. At least four out of 10 Americans have a B12 deficiency at the clinical level. To take millions of people, just enough to get this vital nutrients to pass through. A vitamin B12 deficiency occurs at a much more common than most people think. ManyPeople suffer from vitamin B12 deficiency symptoms every day and have no idea. The symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency can range from mild to very severe. If B12 deficiency is in decades, the long-term results can be irreversible and even fatal.

What are the symptoms of a vitamin B12 deficiency?

It is really important, symptoms that deliberately by a vitamin B12 deficiency will be created sooner than later. SinceThe effects can cumulatively, it's just chalk it up to aging, if they are only mild to moderate. There are a lot of vitamin B12 deficiency symptoms, but some of the most common are thinking include fatigue, difficulty, clearly, bleeding gums, moodiness can nervousness, dizziness and constipation. Serious long term symptoms of heart disease, stroke and dementia, like Alzheimer's disease include. Let's take a look at some of these symptoms of vitamin B12Lack.

Fatigue can be a vitamin B12 deficiency because this vitamin plays an important role in the production are caused by red blood cells. These blood cells help carry oxygen through the body properly. This is not only oxygen, which causes energy, a small number of red blood cells anemia. If you are anemic, you feel lethargic and weak. A B-12 deficiency may also contribute to the feeling of fatigue, because this vitamin helps us metabolizeour food is sufficient. Proper metabolism of the food that we eat helps to break carbohydrates into glucose. Glucose gives you the power when it released in your system.

Another of the vitamin B-12 deficiency symptoms of mood irregularities. Mood swings, nervousness, depressed mood and can at low levels of these nutrients are often ignored. Vitamin B12 helps your brain produce serotonin related, which is a brain chemical that helps us feel good. B12 also helps tothe production of melatonin, which helps regulate our sleep. In addition, the vitamin helps in the proper maintenance of our nervous system, which overall is important for good mental health.

Atherosclerosis and heart disease are two very serious B12 deficiency. Our bodies naturally contain an amino acid called homocysteine (HCY), be toxic, if the amount is too high. Vitamin B12 helps to keep the levels of HCY in check. Toxic levels can be verydestructive. This is because HCY harmful effects on the very cells that make our arteries and veins. The damage can lead to heart attack and stroke.

A B-12 deficiency can have serious, long-term consequences

Many people complain of symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency, that they have trouble thinking clearly or remember things. Since these two symptoms often mistaken "are more the result," they are sometimes ignored and allowed toProgress. Unfortunately, they can include a precursor of dementia, Alzheimer's disease. Dementia is a gradual decline in cognitive abilities. Memory loss, confusion, always easily lost, and paranoia are all symptoms of dementia. Unfortunately, there is no cure known at this stage of dementia.

Even if they do not all symptoms of a vitamin B12 deficiency, hopefully they will recognize how important this nutrient is for your health. These symptomsable through a variety of causes, but it is still be important to ensure that you always have enough B12 every day. It is virtually impossible to get too much B12, because it considers non-toxic. Taking a quality B12 in addition to a healthy diet is one of the best ways to prevent a severe B12 deficiency.

Friends Link : colon cancer symptoms american diabetes association


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